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Step Up For All

Making Entrepreneurship Accessible For All

1 in 5 Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs have closed 3 months into 2021

The impact of COVID-19 has been 2 times larger on minority-owned businesses than white owned businesses

71% of US business owners are white and 80% of businesses are owned by men


StepUpForAll aims to help minority groups break the barriers in the business and entrepreneurial world. 

Management Consulting
9 Media Reports Including...

3rd IN Intuit
Social Innovation 

ABC NEWs Community Partnership Award  Nomination

Help Locals!

Shop local and minority-owned businesses to help contribute to a change. 

financial fundamentals

Step Up For All

Our website is dedicated to making entrepreneurship and opportunities  accessible to all underrepresented businesses.


Phone: 203-252-1280


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© Copyright 2023. Step Up For All, a not-for-profit, section 501(c)(3)

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